Og Health is One Global innovative digital health platform that provides world class services to individuals and corporate organizations targeting pioneer preventive care services to maintain a healthy lifestyle and business environment.
One Global is a Digital Transformation and Innovation Company, specialized in Financial, Tourism, Health, and Entertainment digital services with 2 Million customers onboard.
One Global is a global player started in 2004 and have a strong presence in 15 countries worldwide across GCC, Middle East, North Africa, East Africa, Europe, Canada and USA, offering pioneer digital services
You can use Og Health to:
- Back up your immunization records so you don’t lose them
- Synchronize your records between your devices
- Receive reminders of when vaccinations may be recommended, updates on available vaccinations, or notices of vaccine-preventable outbreaks in your area
- Access expert-reviewed information about immunization
- Learn about vaccination and other healthy behaviors
- Track other health information you choose to enter along with your immunization information
- Evaluate your professional health and wellness with the Organizational wellness survey
- Evaluate your personal health and wellness with Individual Wellness Survey
- In a private consultation, find out how your diet can help you reach a health body weight, reduce your risk of chronic disease, and slow down aging with Og Health Nutrition.
- Be updated about the preventive vaccines you have to take before travelling to any destination based on the destination country health policies with Og Health Travel Vaccine details.
- Stay up to date on your immunizations before and during pregnancy in order to maintain your health and the health of your baby with Og Health Pregnancy vaccination details.
- Get information and timeline to vaccinate your pet(s) with preventive immunity vaccines based on the residing country health policies.
You will be able to utilize the platform for yourself, beloved dependents, your pets, or other individuals who give you permission to do so.
“Og Health is a trademark of One Global Service, Reg. U. S Pat & Tm. Off. Europe”