Smart employers know that promoting health and wellness within the workplace can also contribute to a healthier bottom-line. That’s why companies like yours are taking the Organizational Wellness Survey – a comprehensive health and wellness survey that goes well beyond traditional employee engagement surveys, to give you a true measure of the KPIs for your employees.
Organizational Wellness Survey
Help Fuel Your Employees To Higher Performance

Our Organizational Wellness Survey
Change For The Better
35% of behaviour changes are more likely with scientific data
52% of Canadian employers report annual benefit costs increases of 10%-25%
25% of employees are dealing with a mental illness
By Taking The OWS You Can:
Learn all about the health and well-being of your employees, including personal stressors, lifestyle habits, health risks, and wellness plan effectiveness.
Discover how these factors impact your organization’s performance. Find out how to involve employees in achieving organizational health goals. Identify practical ways to help employees manage stress, prevent illness and lead healthier lives.
We recommend annual implementation to continually monitor & measure the impact of health initiatives over time & develop practices to benchmark & sustain wellness.
Organizational Wellness Survey Process
- Complete your company profile: Set up your profile and invite employees to participate.
- Your people complete the OWS: A quick 15-minute survey.
- Each person reviews his/her results: Private and secure reports are provided for each employee.
- Your company report is created: Lifestyle, health risks, culture, and stress results are presented in aggregate.
- Implement strategies and track results: Implement strategies and chart your progress with year over year tracking.
What's Next?
Create High Performing Cultures
Eliminate tunnel-vision when it comes to your organization. Shift your risks in a positive direction through implementing the program.
Accelerate Your Team To Next Level Performance
You can drive your team to better performance by investing in preventative health care and wellness strategies. You have the potential to achieve a fourfold return on every dollar spent on your wellness plan!
of health problems can be detected by biometrics
of behaviour changes are more likely with scientific data
of executives are satisfied with screening and would recommend
The ROI Of Human Capital
Your employees are your greatest assets. They deserve to be supported and invested in. Yet there are thousands to be saved in unnecessary losses due to preventable employee illness. Clearly, cutting back on insurance and drug plans negatively impacts how attractive your company is to current and prospective talent. So how do you responsibly cut costs without negatively impacting your competitive edge?
Expected Outcomes
Currently companies are losing between thousands and millions of dollars a year on employees’ poor health in insurance, drug, absenteeism and lost productivity costs.
- Reduce Benefit & Drug Costs
- Reduce Workplace & Personal Stress
- Increase Productivity
- Reduce Sick Days/ STD & LTD/ Turnover
- Improve Employee Health & Engagement
- Attract & Retain Talent
- Discover Your Risk Of Chronic Illness
- Protect Your Future Healthcare Costs